XML Orders Export
Export objednávek do souboru strukturovaného XML. Možnost zakliknout
data, která chcete exportovat, možnost exportu cen včetně nebo bez kódu,
datum objednávky (od-do), eshop (multistore), stav objednávky atd..
Soubor s exportem se ukládá do "download/orders.xml"
Můžete nastavit CRONa pro automatické generování XML, včetně možnosti zvolit si, co má být zobrazeno..
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Extension details
Extension details
Kompatibilní s |,,,, 4.x.x.x,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.5.4,,, 1.5.6,,,, |
Multi-store | Ano |
Návod na instalaci | Ano |
Podpora zdarma | Ano |
Přepsání souborů | Ne |
Typ modulu | vQmod |
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hi, does it work with journal theme ? thanks
I want to buy module but my requirements something change,can you contact me via email makram1122@gmail.com
390 Extensions for opencart Only 10 $
160 Themes for opencart Only 10 $
390 Extensions for opencart Only 10 $
160 Themes for opencart Only 10 $
85 Extensions for opencart Only 10 $
160 Themes for opencart Only 10 $
85 Extensions for opencart Only 10 $
160 Themes for opencart Only 10 $
Only 3 $ For any templates and extensions.
3 $ for Modules & Templests
Demo pages are not working
Also your support page is not working
Hi, try it now please.
I want to buy module but my requirements something change,can you contact me via email makram1122@gmail.com
Hi, try it now please.
TEMPLATE & EXTENSION + 5000 only 3 $
I want from the module to give the last 1 weeks orders when I call the orders from the cron link. Also from the order status part as an example I want from the module to transfer orders of only order number 1, 2, 3 and 17. I do not want the others.
This require custom code edit .. code is open .. so you can do it by yourself.
Have a nice day
Hi, try it now please.
sorry, hard to see the 'Save own items'. It is there
Hi, try it now please.
I just bought it. This is very minimalistic. No readme.txt file, no instructions how to use. I know, but beginners get no help. The OC 3 version has a feature, that is missing in the module for OC 2: "Save own items", not good
Hi, try it now please.
I was verry happy with the old mod, unfortunaly the new version does not export each order seperate.. and puts al new orders in one file..
To Bad :(
Hi, try it now please.
recommend+++ very helpful!
Hi, try it now please.
Hi - is this plugin able to only export new orders? (or be altered to do so?)
We want to only export orders as they come in - either into individual files or append to an existing file.
An external application will read these files and then delete them so OC can create a new file of only new orders.
No, this is export date range. Try demo before you ask. Thanks
hello, is it possible to make the xml file according to my format, and to get data from custom fields in the order? Also to have a link to produce the xml file and download?
You can create cronjob to get xml file.
About custom format and custom fields don't what structure you need.
I like your extension but I need additional fields to be exported. From the order_history table, I need the comment field which has the credit card and authorization code and transaction ID from authorize.net. Also, from the order_total table I need the code, title and value fields for the type charge, i.e. shipping, specific shipping type, i.e. UPS GRound and the shipping dollar amount charged. How can I add these (and possibly other custom fields) to your XML order export file?
I reply to your email now.
Hi, try it now please.
Hi! Is it possible, to add shipping cost (if has) to the xml / product field? Ex: On the demo page (oc 2.), the order 3 has shipping cost, $5. Can you do that, if the order has a shipping cost, than it will be appear in the xml file, on the product field (last product)? Thank you!
I want to be able to export also custom fields. Is it possible?
Hi, try it now please.
Hi - is this plugin able to only export new orders? (or be altered to do so?)
We want to only export orders as they come in - either into individual files or append to an existing file.
An external application will read these files and then delete them so OC can create a new file of only new orders.
No, this is export date range. Try demo before you ask. Thanks
Hi, try it now please.
works great! thats what i need!
Hi, try it now please.
hello, is it possible to make the xml file according to my format, and to get data from custom fields in the order? Also to have a link to produce the xml file and download?
You can create cronjob to get xml file.
About custom format and custom fields don't what structure you need.
Hi, try it now please.
Great support. It fixed my issue, even if it was related to another module.
Super. Thanks
Hi, try it now please.
I just purchased it. Is it possible to add product mpn to xml export fields?
Yes, but this custom edit will cost $20...
Hi, try it now please.
is it possible to export only new orders from the last run with cron?
I dont want to export all orders again and again.
Yes, you simply set date from -> date to in export script for cron and then simply set the same for cron job.
Hi, try it now please.
as I read previous comments and answers, I still need to know if the customization level of this extension allow me to set for exported fields name for the elements and attributes , the number of (and order of) child elements, data types for elements and attributes
Sorry, but I don't know what you mean by elements and attributes .. Code is open - so you can change xml structure as you wish.
Hi, try it now please.
Is payment type and confirmation or transaction code contained in the order history, like:
payment type: Authorize.net
transaction code: XL344P93830XUO08
Thanks, rob
Please.. if you have problem with payment on opencart.. do not spam in comments .. simply create ticket on opencart support and wait until they help you.
I can't help you with this problem.
Thanks for understand.
Can this extension do the following:
1) export to csv file
2) can I set the ordering of the fields in the export file?
3) can I set chron job that only exports orders not previously exported, or, only orders from say "today" or "this hour" or something like to to exclude orders previously exported?
I am trying to get csv file for import into Peachtree accounting. Fields must be in order required by peachtree.
Thanks, Rob
1. this is xml export .. look to my excel export here: https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=marketplace/extension/info&extension_id=11324
2. in excel export you can move code lines to sort exports.
3. yes you can set cron
Excellent extension and best support, thank you Deawid.
Hi, try it now please.
Is payment type and confirmation or transaction code contained in the order history, like:
payment type: Authorize.net
transaction code: XL344P93830XUO08
Thanks, rob
Please.. if you have problem with payment on opencart.. do not spam in comments .. simply create ticket on opencart support and wait until they help you.
I can't help you with this problem.
Thanks for understand.
Hi, try it now please.
is it ocmod or vqmod? OC ver
is it possible to set in the cron job url from which order id and after I want to export?
Hi, for it's ocmod.
Cron is in catalog/controller/extension/module/xml_export_order.php
Where you can set this export filters:
$filter = array(
'order_status' => '-', //order status ID ... for all orders set "-"
'order_date_start' => '', //order date from (YYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss)
'order_date_stop' => '', //order date to (YYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss)
'currency_code' => true, //all prices with currency code (true/false)
'order_store' => '-', //orders from store ID ... for all stores set "-", default store = 0
'show_result' => true, //if you want show xml, or onl create xml file
+ items to export..
Hi, for it's ocmod.
Cron is in catalog/controller/extension/module/xml_export_order.php
Where you can set this export filters:
$filter = array(
'order_status' => '-', //order status ID ... for all orders set "-"
'order_date_start' => '', //order date from (YYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss)
'order_date_stop' => '', //order date to (YYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss)
'currency_code' => true, //all prices with currency code (true/false)
'order_store' => '-', //orders from store ID ... for all stores set "-", default store = 0
'show_result' => true, //if you want show xml, or onl create xml file
+ items to export..
Hi, try it now please.
Dobrý den, demo odkazy Vám v popisku nefungují. Můžete prosím poslat link, kde si to lze vyzkoušet? Modul bych eventuelně potřeboval na export objednávek pro účetní, čili stejně jako ve faktuře vyčíslené dph...
Díky za upozornění ... demo odkazy jsem updatoval.. zkuste nyní.
Dobrý den, demo odkazy Vám v popisku nefungují. Můžete prosím poslat link, kde si to lze vyzkoušet? Modul bych eventuelně potřeboval na export objednávek pro účetní, čili stejně jako ve faktuře vyčíslené dph...
Díky za upozornění ... demo odkazy jsem updatoval.. zkuste nyní.
Hi, try it now please.
Can this extension do the following:
1) export to csv file
2) can I set the ordering of the fields in the export file?
3) can I set chron job that only exports orders not previously exported, or, only orders from say "today" or "this hour" or something like to to exclude orders previously exported?
I am trying to get csv file for import into Peachtree accounting. Fields must be in order required by peachtree.
Thanks, Rob
1. this is xml export .. look to my excel export here: https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=marketplace/extension/info&extension_id=11324
2. in excel export you can move code lines to sort exports.
3. yes you can set cron
Hi, try it now please.
What is CRON for automatic generate XML and set what you want display.
Can does it make together with bookkeeping software automatic
Cron run specific url automatically at the time what you set ...
When open that url, XML is updated.
Hi, try it now please.
Updated for OpenCart 3.x (OCMOD)
Hi, try it now please.
Hi guys,
updated for latest version
Enjoy !
Hi, try it now please.
Please release
Thank you
Hi, try it now please.
@Pazar3Developer: https://www.deawid.com/support - create ticket there and let's talk :)
Hi, try it now please.
Hello DEAWid,
I would like to consult with you about your plugin before we buy it. We are a company that needs to automate the process of sending the new products from other companies to our system so we could update the data. I search many plugins on multiple platforms. Please respond as soon as possible, I didn't find any email for support so I can contact you. Have a nice day.
Hi, try it now please.
Thanks @DEAWid,
I really appreciate the service to help get my XML Order export functioning properly.
Hi, try it now please.
Is there a way to automate this to every order instead of once a day.
Will it be able to pull all my product options?
Hi, try it now please.
Great extension and support. Thank you
Hi, try it now please.
Will this export fire every time an order comes through or is it a batch mechanism?
Hi, try it now please.
Thanks for a great extension. Quick question: How do you get the file to download locally? Thanks.
Hi, try it now please.
Bump for 2.x, need this ASAP!
Hi, try it now please.
do you think to update the extension for OC 2.x? Possibly for when?
Hi, try it now please.
Opencart order information to XML extension works as advertised but the best part is the support. DEAwid offers great support for his extensions and he's also available for any Opencart issues you may have. Wonderful experience working with this developer.
Hi, try it now please.
Thanks, maybe in next versions .. but good idea :)
Hi, try it now please.
Hello, You have in options "Date of orders" may be You can add something like "Order ID between" to choose what orders may be exported?
Hi, try it now please.
I like this module, set it with Cron for automated orders export and download once in a day (exporting orders for last 24hrs). And thanks for quick support!
Hi, try it now please.
Hi, sure you can, but you must set CRON on your webadmin, no admin of opencart ..
Link to make xml is this: http://www.yourdomain.xyz/admin/export_orders.php
If you open that file you can choise what you want export. Thank You
Hi, try it now please.
Hi, I would like to purchase this module, but in the demo I see no possibility to make a CRON job. I would like the new orders to be automatically exported to xml. In this possible? Thanks a lot
Hi, try it now please.
Great module, works fantastic.
Support is absolutely fantastic, well worth the money :)
We are using this to integrate our website with Sage, this mod does the job perfectly!
- Lea
Hi, try it now please.
@wijncompleet: Hello, please use http://deawid.com/support for better communication. Thank for you comment
Hi, try it now please.
i have a question of this module is there a possibilty to send the xml sheet to a wharehouse or a fulfillment house so they can manage the proces.
Thanks and regards
Hi, try it now please.
Hi, few minutes ago I publish new version of my module. I add SKU and ISBN to export + update for latest OpenCart versions.
Hi, try it now please.
Hey @DEAWid,
WIth this being compatible with the newer versions of opencart, can this system export ISBN and SKU for each product? Thanks for the reply
Hi, try it now please.
Great extension and great support!
Hi, try it now please.
Great module, works fantastic.
Support is absolutely fantastic, well worth the money :)
We are using this to integrate our website with Sage, this mod does the job perfectly!
- Lea